Player Misconduct:
Occasionally, players on a team may misbehave, disrupting team activities, engaging in unsportsmanlike behaviors, swearing or name-calling, or endangering themselves and other children. Our policy is to address such misbehavior immediately using firm but pleasant tones of voice, following the steps outlined below.
When a misbehavior occurs, we expect the coach to explain his or her expectations and why those expectations are important, using a firm but pleasant voice. When misbehavior occurs, the coach is expected to:
- Pull the player out from the group to speak to him or her one-on-one.
- Position himself or herself at eye-level with the player and give feedback:
- Give his or her observation: "When you were on the sideline, I saw you do ...."
- Describe the impact of the behavior: "When you do that, it disrupts the team... and causes..."
- Set his or her expectation: " In the future, if you want to express ... please use words like ...."
- Confirmation: "Will you please repeat for me: What have I asked you to do?"
- As appropriate, allow the player time to briefly express their opinions and feelings to you.
- If the player is upset and not able to control him or herself, we expect the coach to ask the player to sit apart from the group and allow him or her time to regain control of him/herself before returning to the group. Indicate that he or she may return when he or she can behave appropriately.
- When appropriate, invite the player to rejoin the group.
- If appropriate, ask the misbehaving player to apologize to other players who were affected by the misbehavior
If a player repeats a misbehavior, if the coach considers the misbehavior serious, and the feedback approach outlined above does not change the player's behavior after a reasonable number of attempts on your part, the coach may issue a "Warning" to the player, indicating that, if he or she repeats the behavior again, the coach will suspend him or her from the team until he or she is able to correct the behavior problem. When the coach issues a Warning to a player, the coach will notify the player's parents at the end of the practice or game to explain the circumstances and the consequences of continued misbehavior (i.e. suspension). The coach will also notify the Regional Commissioner of the Warning.
If the misbehavior occurs again, and the coach determines that suspension is the appropriate next step, the coach will tell the player and the parents at the end of the practice or game that the player is suspended for, at minimum, one week. The coach and the Regional Commissioner will work with the parents to outline mutually agreeable conditions under which the player may return to the team. Once a player has returned to the team, an additional misbehavior may, at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner result in suspension of the player from the team for the remainder of the season.
Coach/Spectator Misconduct:
A coach, assistant coach or spectator who is warned or expelled from the field may also be subject to similar or additional disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Board upon thorough review of the incident following the procedures outlined in Article 9 (Dispute Resolution).